Orchard Park Pavilion
Our team designed a new wood and steel pavilion structure, concrete sidewalk, and related electrical improvements resulting in a 3,000 square foot, uniquely adorned, picnic and gathering space.
Project Details
Public Services
Liberty Lake, WA
Scope of Work
Public gathering space in the center of Orchard Park
Structure Size
3,000 Sq. Ft.
Project Cost
Completion Date
Project Overview
The Orchard Park pavilion was a part of the expansion needed for the 11-acre development of Orchard Park, located in the Northwest corner of the City of Liberty Lake. Specific needs for the park in addition to the pavilion were identified through coordination with community members of Liberty Lake including the public, City staff, and policymakers. These needs included a large splash pad, large play structure, expansive trees for shade, large multi-use grass field areas, multi-sport courts, an amphitheater, and parking access that is non-disruptive to residential areas. A key objective of the park was to make it accessible to users of all ages. Cortner Architectural Company’s role in the design of this pavilion brought all of these needs together with impressive detail and function, making it the crown jewel of the park.
Our team designed a new wood and steel pavilion structure, concrete sidewalk, and related electrical improvements resulting in 3,000 square foot, uniquely adorned, picnic and gathering space. Foundation includes cast-in-place concrete for footings, foundation walls, and slabs-on-grade. The structure was executed to support vertical, lateral, static, and dynamic loads fastened by high-strength bolts and welded connections. The proportions of the structure draw the roofline down to a relatable pedestrian scale.
Immediate attention is drawn to the sleek metal roof and wood panel ceilings of the shelter area, which are supported by metal columns. Featured in these columns are fabricated steel cutouts of common fruit reflective of the history of orchard fields that once existed in the location of the park. As the centerpiece of the park, the pavilion provides an intimate setting for gatherings and serves as the backdrop for outdoor movies. Detailing throughout the pavilion, with emphasis found in the steel corbels, bring to mind the historic train depots and orchards of the area. Collectively, the attention to design detail has achieved a structural uniqueness, making it the pride of its community.
Adding benefit to the pavilion, the elevation of the structure raised above flooding areas combined with the openness of the pavilion reveal surrounding views of the neighborhood and outlying mountain ranges. Immediately neighboring the pavilion are an existing play area and splash pad, for which the pavilion provides a welcoming area of rest and shade.